I think the extreme cold weeks are like a migrain in slow motion. Dull, stifling, aching. Tormenting. I expect cold in the winter – but not sub zero wind chills for weeks on end. Its slowly depressing, creating aches in knees, enough immobilizing layering to qualify as basic training gear. HELL.
Like a migraine.
Now when the SUN comes out I grin like an idiot- ok, more of an idiot than normal. Even if the wind makes it feel like -15.
SO in a week or two when the sun comes out and the temperature hits, oh, maybe 33 what will happen? That merging of weather joys?
If you have ever had a migraine you know how debilitating it is. BUT YOU ALSO KNOW THE EUPHORIC JOY when it lifts: you lived, the pain is gone. The metal spikes that were boring into your head are gone. Relief. EUHPORIA. You feel like a new person.
After the cold spell (so fitting a term if not almost backwood patois) will the Midwest feel a Euphoria? Will Upstate New Yorkers dance in the streets like Druids at solstice? Will it be akin to the last survivors of a nuclear war opening the bomb shelter door in an old movie and looking up at a blue sky? The end of a long winter St. Petersburg night: to see the SUN?
In Chicago its odd; there are large black birds, crows. Paul and I call them flying dinosaurs - . Even in this weather they are gliding from building to building. They will survive (I have not seen a cockroach in years, but they too will survive).
Ah, weather.com indicates Euphoria may strike next week!
oh, where is Tippi Hedren when you need her?