Nov 11, 2007

a video clip

The Shadows of Autumn Leaves on the Den Wall

In the late afternoon, when the sun is sinking, it's falls behind a large tree across the yard. The beams come through the window (there are blinds you can see the lines), and the leaves rustling can almost be heard as the shadows flicker across the wall. A few feet from my monitor..... from where I sit to see the world . . .

Taken Sunday, October 28th, 2007 in lovely Akron Ohio. Later afternoon.

uploaded via the google blog uploader, no posting to youtube or vimeo (easier than youtube to post to). this was a bit of an experiment of a quick upload to the blog, leaving out that step of uploading to youtube or vemio and then embedding a bit of code....

hum. much faster.



jbeckhamlat's books from LibraryThing

talk to me

jbeckhamlat's books from LibraryThing

ITS TIME TO READ, even if its 1927!