AND PAUL DECORATED!! - behind the tree is the tree outside with the birdfeeder!
Then Paul peeked out the window at the driveway! ever see SUNSET BOULEVARD, that opening where Norma is looking out the window? WELCOME TO AKRON!
Oh, that looks nasty, he thought. and gave me my first x-mas gift: A SHOVEL!
He woke up and it looked as bad, so off I went, after dropping some x-mas cards in the mailbox...
I shovelled and shovelled. and shovelled some more . . .Now it looks like this (best I could see on the street).
I came in and popped a baby aspirin de pronto, and applied a pound and half of SUPERSTRENGHT EXTRA POWER BENGAY to my lower back (long long time since I have held a shovel.... 20 years, no more than 25.....)
I wonder what I'll find under the tree? A beautiful tree and a clear drive! COME ON OVER!!