Apr 23, 2008


Some Tulips
A few grape hyacinths

what is this blossom?

daffodils in front of the house
a large hyacinth

A few nice things about AKRON

1 I can see the BIG DIPPER, that is a constellation (grouping of stars) in the northern Sky. I could often see Orion from apartments, is would come and go with the seasons. But the BIG DIPPER (ursa major, ok)

2 I can see the north star (follow the the bottom stars in the dipper of the big dipper. To faint for city views. AND IT NEVER MOVES!! Maybe GOD IS THERE?

3 SPRING is here, tulips, buds on trees, Dogwood Trees in bloom. Crocusses, daffodils. Ants . . . spiders, leaves, short pants….

4 A cabbage butterfly (I don’t recall butterflies in NYC, there were monarchs in chicago); and a large bumble bee.

5 Bluejays in White Dogwood trees…….

how are things there?


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