Screwy insurance companies, and Screwier Drug Prices!
Paul and I use a prescritption tooth paste we got hooked on in Chicago. I had a script called in, so did he.
Mine was not covered under my policy, it was 10 bucks a tube.
Pauls' was covered, and was 14 bucks.
See the problem? Pharmacyman told me it happens. With insurance some things can be more.
Then he commented that Target/Walmart 4 buck generics are often far better than using insurance...... perhaps implying if you did the price would GO UP!
SO NOW, before you pick up that prescription ask how much you are saving, AND IF ITS CHEAPER without INSURANCE!!!
On a similar note, I was in line at Giant Eagle last Thursday. The elderly woman ahead of me naturally had 1000 coupons. She asked before the cashier started on them what her tab was: 54 bucks. After the coupons her total bill was $79.54.
The cashier was new, and a bit dim, and saw nothing wrong, I about fell over laughing. Until they had to ring it all up again. And re-do the coupons. In the middle of that the register blew up (it was the culprint). The old woman just laughed and went about, I was getting a bit cranky and grinned and told her I should have shopped ACME that night (local competitor). She wisely and levelly said, "honey, you have to shop the sales."
the end.............
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